High Quality Rod Cases |
This is the rodcase provided with "The Makers Rod" |
A Quality Leather Craftsman |
High quality aluminum and leather rod cases |
Professional Services |
T Shirt, Logo Design, etc. ( Nice Guys ) |
Woodworking Tools |
Order Direct (High quality Planes and Scrapers) |
Hock on line |
Lifetime guaranteed tungston carbide sanding block, fine grade is perfect for general rod work (220 grit) |
Steve Wilks 972-579-8841 |
Reelseat turning Mandrels |
Fact sheet and history of the 9.5 |
Great prices |
Supplier of Varitas and other high quality tools. |
Fingernail (Half radius) router bits |
Another good discount tool supplier |
1-800-472-6950 |
Fingernail (Half radius) router bits |
Adhesives |
Bill Hulbert |
2112 Industrial Howell, Mi 48843 |
Nyatex Epoxy 10EH008/10E007 |
Connecticut (203) 743-4447 |
Epon Epoxy |
POB 907 Iron Mountain, Mi 49801 |
URAC 185 |
Distributed by: Golden Witch Technologies |
Casco Resin |
Machinist Tools |
Dial Caliper 6",Dial Indicator,Depth Base(610-5000) |
Quality 60 deg point for depth gauge |
Starrett dealer, +++ Machine tools |
Precision measurement tools, Dial Calipers, Depth Guages, etc. |
As advertised in the "Planing Form" |
1464 S. Warner Dr. |
Quality 4" metal cutting lathes |
Precision small scale metal lathe |
A Canadian source for quality lathes and other good stuff |
Pin punch p/n: 080-513-039 @ $6.08 (complete with one 0.039" pin). Replacement pins are p/n: 080-513-639 @ $6.45 per package of 6 pins. |
Source for Stay-Brite and other supplies |
Jerry Foster: Pagemeister