Catskill Rodmakers Gathering 2017
Registrations Received

Fishing in front of the Fly Fishing Center

The bridge over the Willoemoc Creek to the CFFC&M

Registration is now CLOSED!
The following is the list of individuals from whom the CFFC&M have received the registration fee.
This list was updated: Sep 1, 2017.

Tim Abbott
Kerrigan Almey
Steven Altshuler
Chris Andrus
Joe Baker
Chris Barclay
Ted R. Barnhart Jr.
Scott Bearden
Chris Bogart
Dave Bollinger
James Bond
Mike Canazon
Mike Canonico
Jorge Carcao
John Checchia
Chuck Coronato
Fung Chin
Chuck Coronato
Chet Croco
Bob Cross
Roy De Giusti
Denise Dempsey
JED Dempsey
Tony DiCicco
Doug Easton
Rosellen Ring-Easton
Gary Elledge
Dave Endicott
Dana Fish
Dave Fitch
Earl Fleegler
Jason Gallup
Lise Marie Gander
Stuart Gander
Jerry Girard
Daniel Gowe
Dick Green
Charlie Hisey
Bob Hallowell
Phil Horowitz
Bob Hosack
Tom Hurd
Kazutomo Ijuin
Fred Jeans
Douglas Johnson
Justin Johnson
Peter Jones
Pippa Jones
Bill Kaplin
Jay Kapolka
Gordon Koppin
Fred Kretchman
Mark Kuras
Jerry Kustich
Ted LeBow
Art LeClair
John Letsche
Kyle Letsche
Fred Lord
Rick Losey
Mike MacBeth
Grahame Maisey
John Marci
David Margolis
Jim Maselli
Bary Mayer
Diane McCabe
Tom McDonnell
Gerry McVicker
Al Medved
Carole Medved
Kim Mellema
Dennis Menscer
Rick Miller
Henry Mitchell
Steven Monroe
Chris Moore
Anne Morris
Mike Morris
Dave Norling Jr.
Dave Norling Sr.
Bob Nunn
Frank Payne
Erin Phelan
Jeff Phelan
Robert "Willis" Reid
David Reimuller
Ray T. Riley
David Rinker
Ron Rutkowski
Zbigniew John Ryc
Mirjam Salmi
Tapani Salmi
Kathy Scott
Robert Selb
David Serafin
Jim Slater
Rob Smith
Tom Smithwick
Ellie Smithwick
Chris Sparkman
Eric Thoresen
Lisa Thoresen
Philip Townsend
Ray Tucker
Richard Umbel Jr.
Lawson Upchurch
David Van Burgel
Alex Vardanis
Mark Wayne
Keith Weeks
Lynn West
Aaron Wiener
Jim Wilcox
Tim Wilhelm
Geroge Wilkinson
Robert Williams
Bailey Wood
John Zimny