Catskill Rodmakers Gathering 2000
Attendee List

Chili Cooks

All Smiles at the Chili Cookout

The following is the list of individuals for whom I have received the registration fee. I will update this list each weekend. Current update made - Thursday August 31, 2000. I will continue to accept registration fees up to August 19th.

Tim Abbott
Theodore Anderson
Ron Barch
George Barnes
Howard Bartholomew
Dennis Bertram
Chris Bogart
James Bond
Mark Bulvanoski
Ed Calhoun
Frank Caruso
Scott Chase
William Chuchwa
Steve Cohen
Gary Dabrowski
Harold & Eileen Demarest
Mary DeSapio
Bill Fink
David Fitch
Jacques Follweiler
David Gaston
Jerry Girard
Ron Henry
Dennis Higham
Charles Hisey
Dennis Haftel
Bill Harms
Andrew Harsanyi
Bill Holbein
Jay Kapolka
Fred Kretchman
Gordon Koppin
Ted Knott
David and Ron LeClair
Jon Lintvet
John Madden
Barry Mayer
Alan Medved
James Nash
Dan Neuschafer
Tom Nigro
Bob Nunn
Carl O'Connor
Art Port
George Rainville
Robert (Willis) Reid & Kim Mellema
Richard Schon
Robert Sholiton
Anthony Sidoti
Tom Smithwick
Joe Swam
John Tofanelli
Bob Venneri
Henry Wagner
Bill Waters
Richard Westerfield
Robert White
Tom Whittle
James Wilcox
John Zimny